V6 has two sub-groups: The 20th Century group consisting the three older members Masayuki Sakamoto, Hiroshi Nagano, and Yoshihiko Inohara, and the Coming Century group comprised of the younger members Go Morita, Ken Miyake, and Junichi Okada. The six-man group debuted on November 1, 1995. As V6 cannot perform unless all six members are present, the remaining members decided to disband the group altogether. The agency, better known as Johnny’s, manages the group along with all its members. The main reason for V6’s disbandment is that Go Morita, one of the group members, is set to leave Johnny & Associates on November 1, 2021. The musical group, best known for providing theme songs to InuYasha and Ultraman Tiga, will disband on their 26th anniversary. Johnny & Associates announced that its Japanese boy band V6 will disband on November 1, 2021.